How to Remove Oil from Bowling Ball: The Ultimate Guide

How to Remove Oil from Bowling Ball

Are you tired of your bowling ball not performing like it used to?

It could be due to a buildup of oil on the surface of the ball.

Over time, oil can seep into the pores of the ball and affect its ability to hook and grip the lane.

But not to worry, with a few simple steps, you can remove the oil buildup and get your bowling ball back to its optimal performance.

First, it’s important to understand the impact of oil buildup on your ball.

Not only does it affect the ball’s ability to hook and grip, but it can also cause the ball to lose its balance and control.

This can result in lower scores and frustration on the lanes.

But with the right cleaning method, you can remove the excess oil and restore your ball’s performance.

Keep reading to learn how to remove oil from your bowling ball and get back to knocking down those pins.

Understanding the Impact of Oil Buildup on Your Bowling Ball

If you’re wondering why your bowling ball isn’t performing like it used to, it could be due to the buildup of oil on its surface.

Over time, oil accumulates on the ball and can negatively affect its performance.

This is because oil changes the surface tension of the ball, making it less effective in gripping the lane.

As a result, the ball may lose its hook potential and roll straighter, reducing your chances of getting strikes.

To maintain the performance of your bowling ball, it’s crucial to remove oil buildup regularly.

However, some oil stains can be stubborn and difficult to remove.

In such cases, you may need to use specialized cleaners designed specifically for bowling balls.

These cleaners can dissolve the oil and restore the surface tension of the ball, allowing it to grip the lane more effectively.

By removing oil buildup, you can keep your bowling ball in top condition and improve your chances of getting a strike.

Preparing Your Ball for the Cleaning Process

Before beginning the cleaning process, it’s important to properly prepare your equipment.

Start by doing a pre-cleaning inspection of your ball.

Check for any cracks or chips that may have been caused by the buildup of oil.

If you see any damage, it’s best to take your ball to a professional for repair before attempting to clean it.

Once you’ve inspected your ball, it’s time to choose a cleaning agent.

There are various types of cleaning agents available, such as alcohol-based cleaners and specially formulated bowling ball cleaners.

Make sure to read the instructions and warnings carefully before using any cleaning agent.

It’s also important to use a microfiber towel to avoid scratching the surface of your ball.

By properly preparing your ball and choosing the right cleaning agent, you can effectively remove oil buildup and extend the life of your bowling ball.

Cleaning Your Ball with Household Items

Now, let’s explore how you can spruce up your beloved bowling ball using common household items that you may already have lying around, giving it a much-needed facelift.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive cleaning products.

Instead, you can use eco-friendly alternatives that are just as effective.

One household item that can work wonders in removing oil from your bowling ball is vinegar.

Mix one part vinegar with one part water in a spray bottle and spritz it onto the ball.

Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it off with a clean cloth.

Another option is to use a mixture of baking soda and water.

Combine two parts baking soda with one part water to create a paste.

Apply the paste to the ball and let it sit for fifteen minutes before wiping it off with a damp cloth.

These simple household items can help you clean your bowling ball and bring back its shine.

Drying and Polishing Your Ball

To ensure your ball is in top condition, you’ll want to dry and polish it after cleaning with household items.

The best options for drying your ball are a microfiber cloth or a specially-designed bowling ball towel.

These materials are gentle on the surface of your ball and won’t leave any residue or scratches.

When drying your ball, make sure to thoroughly dry all areas, including the finger holes and the surface.

Any moisture left on the ball can affect its performance and cause it to slip out of your hand.

After drying, you can then polish your ball with a bowling ball polish or wax to give it a smooth, shiny finish.

With these simple steps, you’ll be able to keep your ball in top shape and ready for your next game.

Maintaining Your Ball for Optimal Performance

Keeping your ball in top shape is crucial for optimal performance on the lanes.

There are many options available for cleaning your ball including special bowling ball cleaners, rubbing alcohol, and even dish soap.

It’s important to read the manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific ball, as some cleaning solutions may be too harsh and can damage the ball’s surface.

In addition to choosing the right cleaning solution, the frequency of maintenance is also important.

It’s recommended to clean your ball after every use to remove any oil and dirt buildup.

This can be done with a simple wipe-down using a microfiber cloth or towel.

For a deeper clean, using a cleaning solution and a ball spinner can help restore the ball’s surface.

By keeping up with regular maintenance, you can ensure that your ball is performing at its best every time you step onto the lanes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I clean my bowling ball?

Your bowling ball is your tool, and like any tool, it needs proper care.

The frequency of cleaning depends on your usage, but generally, once a week is recommended.

Use appropriate cleaning methods for different ball materials to ensure optimal performance.

Can I use commercial bowling ball cleaners instead of household items?

Yes, you can use commercial bowling ball cleaners instead of household items.

They are effective and specifically designed for bowling balls.

However, be cautious of safety concerns with using household items.

Are there any specific types of towels I should use for drying and polishing my bowling ball?

Did you know that using a microfiber towel instead of a cotton one can reduce friction on your bowling ball by up to 25%?

For cleaning, both work, but consider using rubbing alcohol or specialized cleaners for oil removal.

Can I clean my bowling ball myself or should I take it to a professional?

You can clean your bowling ball yourself with some DIY cleaning tips, such as using a microfiber towel and ball cleaner.

However, taking it to a professional has benefits like deep cleaning and restoring the ball’s original surface.

How can I tell if my bowling ball needs to be cleaned?

If you notice your bowling ball isn’t performing as well as it used to, it may be a sign of a dirty ball.

Regular cleaning is important to maintain optimal performance and prolong the life of your ball.



You’ve successfully removed the oil buildup from your bowling ball and restored its optimal performance.

But don’t get too comfortable, as the battle against oil buildup in your ball is ongoing.

You now know the importance of regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure your ball maintains its performance.

Beware, neglecting your ball’s upkeep can result in decreased performance and even damage to the ball.

So, make sure to keep up with your cleaning routine and be on the lookout for any signs of oil buildup.

Remember, a well-maintained ball can make all the difference in your game.

Keep bowling, and keep your ball in top shape!

About me

I am Stev Rene. I am a writer, blogger, and athlete. My blog focuses on sports and fitness.
I started this blog because I felt that many people lack knowledge about sports and fitness.